Atom seals the deal with Thought Machine - here's what to expect

You might remember us announcing a partnership with leading fintech Thought Machine.
Since then we’ve been doing a lot of legwork behind the scenes building products, plugging Thought Machine into other systems - including the UK’s payments network - and testing the results. Having proven to ourselves that it works and that the anticipated customer benefits are real, we can now announce that we’ve signed a multi-year contract with them.
This means that we will be launching our next generation of personal and business banking products that make use of Thought Machine’s Vault platform.
Vault and what it means for Atom
All banks need some form of platform to record and manage customer transactions and payments. Vault is Thought Machine’s version of this platform.
We’re introducing Vault because…well because it’s a game changer. It’s quick, it’s agile and - unlike other banking systems - it can be configured and re-configured by our in-house team super quickly. In other words, it’s exactly what we need to keep innovating and pushing for change in the banking industry.
To get technical for a minute
Banking is, or has been historically, reactive rather than innovative. Take the rise of mobile banking as an example - major banks created mobile apps only when customers were clamouring for them, and not a moment before. That might all be about to change as a result of platforms like Vault.
In most banks it takes months, and sometimes years, to implement changes, because of their legacy structure. Vault’s unique features will help our team harness customer insights to work more quickly and with more agility to innovate like never before.
Specifically, we’re very excited about Vault’s smart contract system for building products and workflows for bank processes and customer journeys through the app. Writing smart contracts that send instructions to the underlying platform is fast and highly configurable. Most importantly there’s no need to dig deep into the code to make things happen. It’s cutting out the middleman - compare it to calling the operator to make an international call back in the day versus calling direct using your mobile phone.
To demo the Vault platform, Thought Machine have a lab that puts their own designs and ideas into action. Check out for a great example of how Vault has the ability to change the face of saving with avatars that reflect the state of your finances and save towards your holiday funds when it rains.
We’ve got some exciting stuff lined up
We’re building a couple of new products using Thought Machine’s system, and we’re currently moving towards testing these and launching them in Beta. These are really exciting times and it’s full steam ahead at Atom HQ as we use Thought Machine to bring you the world’s best customer experience on, in our opinion, the world’s best banking platform.