App Wrap: October 2021

App Wrap: October 2021
As the UK’s first app-only bank, we know how important it is that our app delivers for our customers. We always strive to offer the best experience for our customers by understanding what matters most to them and improving things to meet their needs.
The App Wrap is our monthly round-up of the updates we’ve made to the Atom bank app. In October, we’ve added a number of essential features to make life easier for our customers, including a Passcode change option, the addition of in-app FAQs and a new view for your accounts.
Change Passcode
We’ve added the ability to manage your Passcode directly. So, if you’ve forgotten it or simply want to change it, you can now do this yourself within the app. This is a huge benefit for our customers — previously you’d have to call us and we’d have to reset all three of your security credentials. No more phone calls to simply change your Passcode!

Viewing your customer information
Want to check the personal details we have for you? You can now view them within the My Details section of the app. Split into four sections: personal details, contact information, home address and tax and citizenship. Give these a look over, and if you need to amend any you’ll be able to give us a call via the handy button on-screen.

In-app FAQs
We’ve enhanced our help and support options within your app. Previously, we only offered the option to call or chat to our team, but we’ve now added in-app FAQs. Here you may be able to find the answer to your questions without the need to speak to us.
But, of course, if you’d like to speak with us, it's still as easy as before. Here at Atom, we don’t hide our phone number or live chat options behind a series of help topics or bots, so you’ll find the option to chat, call us or view our FAQs alongside each other.

How we display your accounts
We’ve updated the information shown on your accounts, ensuring that key information is included at a glance. This information used to be a few “taps” away to view, which made it more difficult to find essential details, but now everything is displayed upfront.

How we get our app insight
We’re always looking at areas to improve our customer experience. We monitor a few areas to get insight: our contact centre, App Store and Play Store reviews and ratings, TrustPilot and Reevoo reviews, feedback provided in surveys and feedback given through the website and app itself. This data tells us where to focus with improvements and new features and in what order, allowing us to deliver customer-centric change.
And there you go!
And there you go! That’s what we’ve updated this month. Keep an eye out on our blog for next month’s App Wrap to find out what we’ve been up to in November.