We can’t wait to welcome our EY Foundation Smart Futures interns
Inside Atom

After marking National Intern Day at the end of July, we’re now set to welcome interns from the EY Foundation Smart Futures programme to Atom bank — and we can’t wait!
Our three arrivals will spend 9th–11th August with Atom bank as part of a two-week programme that will see them taking part in activities to enhance their employability and getting a first-hand look at what goes on here at the bank. This will be followed by ten months of further mentorship.
These internships were made possible by funding from the Chartered Banker Institute 2025 Foundation, and through the EY Foundation Smart Futures programme, a scheme that offers paid work experience, employability skills training and mentoring for students in Year 12 (England and Wales) or S5 (Scotland) from low income households.
What exactly will the new interns get up to?
We’re very excited to welcome our interns and get them up and running through a schedule that will aim to build their employability and give them a first-hand look at what it’s actually like to work at a fintech bank.
During their three days here, the interns will spend time with key team members from around the bank, who will share their knowledge and experiences, as well as talking more widely about the potential career opportunities available in the sector. They will also be assigned a mini-project to work on together, and then given the opportunity to present their results back to key stakeholders.
We will show that financial services is not dull and boring, as some stereotypes can suggest, but can actually be an exciting, rewarding and challenging career path that has many options open to people from a wide range of backgrounds.
The interns’ time at Atom bank will make up the second part of a longer schedule within the two-week EY Foundation Smart Futures programme:
Week 1: The interns participate in some sessions based around improving employability skills and widening understanding of working in banking.
Week 2: The interns spend time at Atom bank bank, learning more about how we operate and what kind of roles they would be able to pursue in their career. They will also build project skills by completing a mini-project.
The interns also get 10 months of support from a mentor, who will help guide them through decisions as they take the first steps in their careers.
Why is this programme so important?
We believe that making this type of experience accessible for young people is incredibly vital, especially for those from low income backgrounds.
Our hope is that, by teaming up with EY Foundation for their Smart Futures programme, we will have an impact on the career ambitions of those students who are participating.
We’re looking forward to sharing real-world knowledge, skills and experience that will inspire. By opening up the world of banking, we hope that these students develop ideas and seek out opportunities that they may not have considered previously.
We’ll also contribute to the students’ understanding of some of the skills they will require and can build on as they progress through education and their early career.
This scheme also allows us, as an employer, a fantastic opportunity to get insights into what matters to young people, who could one day be our future employees.