Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2023"
We confirm we have complied with the government’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19.

Five steps to safer working together
- 1. Risk assessmentWe have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work here - you can see this statement below.
- 2. HygieneWe have cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance.
- 3. Home workingWe have taken all reasonable steps to help people work from home.
- 4. Social distancingWe have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the workplace.
- 5. Minimising riskWhere people cannot be 2m apart, we have done everything practical to manage transmission risk.
COVID-19 risk assessment statement
Atom Bank plc has reopened its Rivergreen HQ for a limited number of customer support, technology and facilities colleagues following a comprehensive assessment of the risk of infection and spread of COVID-19 and the controls that have been implemented to mitigate this risk.
The risk assessment was carried out in accordance with current Health and Safety legislation and Government guidance and will be kept under continuous review to ensure it remains current and up to date.
The controls aim to ensure Atom employees stay as safe as possible whilst in Rivergreen and will initially include measures such as face masks being made available for employees to wear whilst moving around the office as well as temperature checks being carried out on entry to the building.
Prior to returning, Atom held information sessions with the relevant employees, including a video tour of the office and providing more details of the plans for social distancing as well as the segregation of the building and the one-way systems that have been put in place.
Atom will continue to operate a work from home policy for those who can do so whilst plans progress to prepare for further colleagues to return as and when permitted by Government guidance.