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Affordability calculator

Find out how much your customers may be able to borrow using our online affordability calculator.

Property and loan

The property and loan section allows you to input information about your applicants lending requirements. See accompanying help text for further information about loan percentages for property values.

valid input
valid input

Term of loan
valid input
valid input

Enter the requested loan term here. The minimum term we offer is 2 years (as long as that's not less than the initial product term) and our maximum is 40 years.

Number of applicants
valid input
valid input
Committed monthly expenditure

Credit commitments should be entered, even if they’ll be paid on or before completion.

Please break down expenditure into individual payments. If there is more than one applicant, please enter combined figures for both applicants.

Credit cards and overdrafts
valid input
valid input
Personal loans and hire purchase
valid input
Secured loans
valid input
CSA and child maintenance
valid input
Student loans
valid input
Other mortgages
valid input

Household expenditure

Please break down into individual payments. Where the mortgage is for a property purchase, the amounts should also reflect the anticipated costs at the new property.

valid input
valid input
valid input
valid input
valid input

Other expenditure

Please break down into individual payments.

valid input
valid input
valid input
valid input
valid input
valid input
valid input


See criteriaor