4 min read
Welcome home: Introducing our brand update

Team Atom
Hello and welcome to the Atom bank website — your new home!
The Intermediaries section of the Atom website will be your hub for everything going forwards as we retire the Digital Mortgages brand and website. We recommend that you bookmark our new page to make life easier.
We thought we’d take a few minutes to recap what this means for you, our brokers, as well as exploring some of the reasons why we decided to rebrand.
What can I expect from the Atom bank website?
When you visit the Intermediary section of the Atom site, you’ll find all of the features from Digital Mortgages — so you should feel right at home! It will still be your one-stop shop for all things residential mortgages.
Visually, the site has also had a redesign. Our new intermediaries section benefits from the eye-catching design and branding of our customer-facing site in the classic Atom pink and purple gradient. However, we’ve reversed the colours so that it’s really easy to see when you’ve landed on our broker-facing pages.
We have also made enhancements to the way that the site is structured. Many of the changes were inspired from the feedback that you have given us and we’ve also undertaken best-in-class research and analytics review to inform our development of the site. We’re confident that our updates will make it quicker and easier for you to get the information you need.
Please keep an eye on the website over the coming months, as we’ll be adding more content and features to continue improving the experience. You can also leave us feedback on how you’re finding the website via the pink feedback tab on the right.
What’s happening to Digital Mortgages?
We’re sunsetting the Digital Mortgages brand and website and moving everything over to our Atom bank brand and our site at www.atombank.co.uk.
As well as a change in web address, the rebrand will also include changes to our contact emails, which will become @atombank.co.uk rather than @digitalmortgages.net. We’ll also be updating our business page names on Linkedin to Atom bank for Intermediaries — be sure to follow the page for our latest updates!
Please rest assured that we’ve put the necessary redirects on the Digital Mortgages site, so if you click a link to one of our old pages, it should send you to the new version.
Why have we rebranded Digital Mortgages?
We’ve loved operating Digital Mortgages and providing an award-winning service to our panel of brokers and their customers. However, the time is right to bring DM home and build a unified brand that’s stronger and aligned to the Atom name and values.
We appreciate that having different names for brokers and customers has caused confusion over the years, which is a big reason why we’re consolidating our brands. We hope to remove any confusion and create a seamless, straightforward journey for brokers and customers alike.
Will it just be Atom bank going forward?
Yes, our new branding means that we will be known as simply Atom bank.
There will be instances where we refer to ourselves as ‘Atom bank for Intermediaries’, but this will only be across customer-facing channels to avoid any confusion over who we are speaking to or who the content is aimed at.
We’ll also be listed as Atom bank on any sourcing systems — be sure to look out for the Atom logo when searching for us.
Got any feedback for us?
Obviously, a rebrand like this means quite a lot of change, so we’re eager to hear your feedback on all aspects of the transition and the website. You can leave us feedback on how you’re finding the site via the pink feedback tab on the right. We’ll also be reaching out in the future to get your input, so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox.
If you’ve got any questions or feedback you’d like to share right now, please contact our TBDM team at residentialsupport@atombank.co.uk or by calling us on 0333 399 0055 (9am–5pm, Mon–Fri).