Residential mortgage charges

Take a look at our price list for residential mortgages. For use by residential intermediaries only.

Atom bank is working closely with the mortgage industry and Which? to make fees and charges easier for you to understand. Fees and charges are now being explained in a consistent way across the industry to help you compare mortgages.

When looking at the fees that other lenders charge, you may notice some that don’t appear in our tariff (below). This means we don’t charge you these fees. Some other fees may apply if you’re unable to pay your mortgage, but we’ll let you know if this is the case.

Before your first monthly payment

These are the fees and charges you may have to pay before we transfer your mortgage funds.

Name of charge What is the charge for? How much is the charge?
Funds transfer

Electronically transferring the mortgage funds to you or your solicitor.

We charge this as we send the funds via CHAPS (Clearing House Automated Payments System).

Legal work

Normally, you will instruct a solicitor or licensed conveyancer to act on your behalf for your home purchase transaction.

You’ll need to pay any resulting legal fees and costs directly to your solicitor or their firm.

Some mortgage deals offer fees-assisted legal work. If you’ve selected one of these, we’ll pay our share directly to the solicitor or firm (covering the basic legal fee only). You’ll be responsible for paying any remaining balance. Your mortgage broker can advise you of these costs.

We only work with licensed conveyancers or solicitors, who are approved on our panel, at the point of applications.

For further information please contact us on 03333 99 00 50 or speak to your broker.

Ask your solicitor or licensed conveyancer to confirm these costs.
Product fee

This is charged on some mortgages as part of the deal. It can be paid up-front or added to the total mortgage amount.

If you add it to your mortgage, you’ll pay interest on it at the same rate as the rest of your borrowing.

Varies by product. Please refer to the mortgage illustration and offer documents in your Vault.
Re-inspection If your mortgage is released in stages, and you’re using it to renovate your home, this fee covers the new valuation we need to do after the work is carried out. £75 (inc VAT)
Valuation fee

This fee covers our valuation report, which is used to calculate how much we could lend you. This is separate from any valuation or survey of the property you might want to commission.

Some mortgages offer free valuations - the product details for your mortgage will tell you if this is the case and will be illustrated in your mortgage offer.

This fee varies based on the property value and type of valuation scheme chosen.

We also offer homebuyer reports and building surveys.

Our current valuation fees, as well as homebuyer report and building survey costs, are listed below. There may be different approaches in different parts of the UK.

Purchase price/ est. value up to Mortgage valuation report Homebuyers report Building survey
£100,000 £155 £345 £825
£150,000 £185 £375 £855
£200,000 £220 £410 £890
£250,000 £280 £440 £920
£300,000 £280 £470 £950
£350,000 £350 £495 £975
£400,000 £350 £535 £1,015
£450,000 £425 £570 £1,050
£500,000 £425 £585 £1,065
£550,000 £500 £645 £1,125
£600,000 £500 £645 £1,125
£650,000 £600 £695 £1,175
£700,000 £600 £695 £1,175
£750,000 £600 £775 £1,225
£800,000 £700 £775 £1,225
£850,000 £700 £815 £1,295
£900,000 £700 £815 £1,295
£1,000,000 £770 £875 £1,355
Over £1,000,000 Available on request Available on request Available on request

If you change your mortgage

If you change to a new mortgage product, the fees in the previous ‘Before’ section may also apply at this stage.

Name of charge What is the charge for? How much is the charge?
Early repayment charge (ERC) (changing your mortgage) You may have to pay this if:
  • You overpay more than your mortgage terms allow.
  • You switch mortgage product or lender during a product rate period (e.g. while you’re on a fixed or tracker interest rate).
  • You take only part of your existing Atom bank mortgage with you to a new property (partial port).
£variable - please refer to your Mortgage Offer. The ERC is a percentage of the mortgage balance being paid in excess of any overpayments allowance. The percentage applied will vary depending on how long is left on your mortgage deal.
Change of parties (Transfer of equity) Legal fee for adding or removing someone (a ‘party’) from the mortgage. £variable — payable to your solicitor. We will process the transfer of equity but will not charge for providing this service.
Partial release of property Payable if you want to remove part of the property or land from the mortgage. It covers administration costs, including sealing the relevant legal deed and issuing letters of consent. There may be additional charges for any legal work and third party payments. £58 (inc VAT)

We don’t charge you for providing a reference to another mortgage provider.

If you are unable to pay your mortgage

These are the most common charges you may have to pay if you fail to keep up with your mortgage payments. Solicitor and court fees may be charged if we start legal action. Upon repossession of the property, fees, such as estate agent and conveyancing fees, may apply and will be dependent on your circumstances.

Name of charge What is the charge for? How much is the charge?
Field agency home visit If you find yourself in financial difficulties, we may instruct a third party agent to visit you, assess your circumstances and look at the best repayment option. The cost of this service depends on the third party — we don’t add any additional charge. £variable
Payment of ground rent/service charge If you’re unable to pay your ground rent or service charge, we may pay it to protect our assets. We’ll add any ground rent or service charges that we have to pay to your outstanding balance, where interest will be charged on this additional amount at the same rate as your mortgage. We will process the payment of ground rent/service charge but will not charge a fee for providing this service.

Ending your mortgage term

Name of charge What is the charge for? How much is the charge?
Early repayment charge (ERC) (changing your mortgage) You may have to pay this if you pay off your mortgage before your current deal ends (e.g. by moving to another lender or by paying off a lump sum). £variable - please refer to your Mortgage Offer. The ERC is a percentage of the mortgage balance and the percentage applied will vary depending on how long is left on your mortgage deal.

Mortgage Price List

Effective from 16th July 2024


Mortgage Price List

Updated 16 July 2024
